Casey (Kay) Rice
The end came quietly and in comfort. I held her hand and reminded her how special she is and how much I love her.
Her long fight with dementia is done, my soulmate is gone.
I was 22 and she was 29. Beautiful, intelligent, she thought I was too young. I worked hard to convince her my love was ageless and we began our 52 year amazing journey together.
Casey was a special artist, creative, with the ability to paint, draw, embroider, make jewelry, sing, play guitar and was a renowned miniaturist.
As my wife and partner she believed in me and made me a much better person than I would have ever been without her.
Casey and our daughter April had a special bond nurtured through books, antique shopping and sharing knowledge as only a mother and daughter can.
She loved our son in law, Seth, the pottery he made for her, and the way he and April have lived their lives.
Our grandson, Amare, brought Casey so much joy and she was thrilled he loved miniatures and watching him grow into a talented and caring young man.
We enjoyed two memorable trips to London, but our highlights are a life of love and respect for each other.
I would give anything to do it all again.
Casey did an award winning miniature blog every day for 10 years. I am attaching the url if you would like to take a look.
Casey, I will love you forever.